Gurmit Santokh
Managing Director
Tel: (+254)732 144000)
Email: gsantokh@ke.pkfea.com
Professional Experience
Gurmit has over 25 years of professional experience in financial consultancy, audit and tax advisory services.
Professional Qualifications and Memberships:
Gurmit holds the following qualifications and memberships:
- Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Sociology
- A member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya - CPA (K)
- A member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Rwanda - CPA (R)
- A member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda - CPA (U)
- Member of the Disciplinary Commission of ICPAR
- Member of the Revenue Mobilization Committee of Rwanda Revenue Authority
- Member of the Advisory Board of Rwanda Trust Law Chambers Ltd
Key Experience:
Gurmit is an engagement partner in audit and assurance assignments and has been involved in various consulting and tax assignments in Rwanda, Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, Eritrea Zambia, Djibouti and Uganda.
Gurmit has contributed technical articles to the ICPAK Accountants Magazine and made presentations to members on developments in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). He was also a Member of the ICPAK Coast Branch Public Finance & Taxation sub-committee.
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